The Friends of the Dobbs Ferry Waterfront Park provides vital resources that keep the park green and beautiful. Some of our recent projects include:
The Friends arranged for the planting of eight new trees at various park locations, all selected for appropriateness to climate and site,
The Friends created "Friends Meadow" at Willow Point - three beds featuring native and pollinator plants. They are maintained by volunteers. If you would like to volunteer with us, please leave us a message
The Friends arranged for the expert trimming of the park’s older trees.
The Friends hired three experienced arborists and landscape designers to catalog the trees, provide suggestions for further plantings and work with Village personnel to maintain the trees.
The Friends employed an arborist and videographer to create training videos on tree care for Village park staff. These videos are also useful for anyone with trees on their property. See the tree planting video here, along with links to additional videos on pruning.
An important aspect of our mission is to spot and report needed repairs and maintenance. At the Friends request, the Village:
Removed unsightly dead tree stumps, which were also safety hazards.
Mulched the playground base and trees
Repaired the bricks and pavement at the boat dock and Comfort Station
Fixed the broken park lights
Cleans goose droppings off the walkways twice a week
See anything that needs attention? Leave us a message on this site and we will get back to you.
For current projects to enhance the park, go to the Next Steps section